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Since the addition of MRI capabilities...

to West Coast Equine, we have been thrilled with our ability to diagnose and establish a therapeutic plan for a difficult lameness. This advanced imaging technique has many advantages over conventional imaging. MR imaging is the gold standard to evaluate bone and soft tissues, allowing for multiplanar imaging that reveals subtle abnormalities. There are many tendons and ligaments that cannot be seen on an ultrasound exam, especially pertaining to the foot, due to the surrounding hoof. Also, MR imaging can detect bone edema and cartilage defects that may not be present on radiographs. Our MRI provides high-field quality images and is the fastest low-field scanner available. Hundreds of images or slices, are promptly analyzed by a radiologist so treatment options can be initiated quickly. Once the problems are accurately identified, a targeted treatment and rehabilitation plan can be implemented. With our system, the horses are anesthetized and their limb is place in the MR. This process eliminates the slight movement that can obscure important details when an MRI is obtained in the standing horse. Overall our MRI provides state of the art imaging that greatly benefits our community. Now there is no need to travel outside Ventura County for high quality care and service.

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